
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Alliteration Sentences

B- Bake a big cake with lots of butter and bring it to the birthday bash.

C- Come and clean the chaos in the closet.

F- Fred's friends fried Fritos for Friday's food.

G- Gary grumpily gathered the garbage.

L- Larry likes liking the sticky lollipop.

P- Please put away your paints and practise the piano.

W- While walking wearily home I wondered where Wally was.

 Today I made a poster on alliteration.

There, Their, They're Sentences

Today in word work we practiced writing sentences using the correct version of the word.

Creepy Creatures News

The Moon

We practiced our note taking and note making skilled to write this paragraph.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Windscreen Wiper

We wrote our own onomatopoeia sentences and we drew a picture to go with it. Here is the link to the poem.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

All About Me

Hi my name is Lukas, and I am a student of Panmure Bridge School. I am in room 5, and my teacher is Ms Kirkpatrick. I am a year 4 student, and here are a few things about me. At home, I like playing with my neighbors. At school, I enjoy doing maths. I play basketball at home, and I like it because I like shooting the ball into the hoop. My favourite horror game is the Joy Of Creation: Reborn. I really like free time, because I can play any game I want on my computer.

At The Seaside

Our poem this week used rhyme, alliteration and a smile. Check it out here.

Rickety Train Ride

This week in our poem we looked at alliteration. Here is the link to the poem.

Old Dog

In poetry this week we looked at poetry and alliteration. Then we drew a picture. Here is the link to the poem.

My favourite Ice-cream.

E Toru nga kete

In te reo we read the story about the three baskets.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Rhythm Interactive

Today we learnt some new rhythms. Our teacher was Johnny. We learnt some names of instruments like djembe and claves and guiro. In the rhythms we did clapping. We kept on singing a song  which means together we can make a change.

My Favorite Ice Cream

My favourite ice cream is a double scoop. The first scoop is cookies and cream with a flake. The second scoop is a chocolate flavor with a flake. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Zoo Trip.

At the zoo we saw lions. My favourite animal was the sea lion because we got to see it do tricks.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Transum Tables Challenge.

Today on transum I did my 2 times tables in 37 seconds.


We looked at metaphor in the poem sunset.  Here is my picture from my poem. here is the link.

Alphabet Key

A:Apollo, asteroid, astronomer.
B:Black hole, beyond, binary.
C:Carbon dioxide, crater, cosmonaut.
D:Danger, data, dwarf planet.
E:Experiment, exobiology, evolution.
F:Flight, force field, full moon.
G:Galaxy, Galileo, gravity.
H:Honor, horoscope, Hubble.
I:Investigation, inspection, impulse.
J:Jettison, journey, Jupiter.
K:Kilometers, Kuiper belt.
L:Laboratory, launch, launch pad.
M:Mars, milky way, mission.
NASA, navigation, nebula.
O:Objective, objects, orbit.
P:Planet, planetary, particles.
Q:Quasar, quarter moon,
R:Radiation, rocket, rotation.
S:Saturn, scientist, supernova.
T:Telescope, technology, transmission.
U:Uranus, unique, universe.
V:Venus, vaporize, variety.
W:Waning moon, waxing moon, warming.
X: X Rays
Y: Ymir.
Z:Zeal, zenith, zero.

Today I did an alphabet key to show a space word for each letter in the alphabet.

Hiwi The Kwi

Today at Hiwi the Kiwi, we learnt that when you are out fishing that you have to make sure that if the fish are too small you have to throw them back, and if they are too big then you have to throw them back because they might be having a baby. Hiwi the Kiwi also likes to write songs. Two of the songs that we learnt were kai moana and pukeko eko. Hiwi the kiwi was also giving out posters, stickers and even fishing magazines. We were also having a challenge and the challenge was that we had to write a story about the show and we have to include two things that you learned and there was one winner from each classroom, and then the winner out of them would win a Hiwi the Kiwi fishing rod. My favourite part was the pukeko eko song because we got to dance.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Nga Tau

This poster shows the four seasons in Maori.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Maths Monster

Today on maths monster I got another perfect score. I also timed myself and I only took one minute, three seconds and ten milliseconds.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Dwarf Planet- Ceres

Ceres was first discovered in January 1, 1801.
Ceres is 974  kilometers across. Ceres was formed 4.5 billion years ago.
It is 415 million kilometers away from the sun. Ceres used to be called Ceres
Ferdinandea, but then astronomers around the world did not like the name, so
they changed it to just Ceres. Scientist say that there is a liquid layer somewhere
underneath the surface of Ceres. Ceres has zero moons. Ceres takes 5 earth
years to orbit the sun, and its day is nine earth hours. Ceres can be found in
the main asteroid belt and the asteroid belt can be found between Mars and
Jupiter. lukas


We wrote our own personification sentences. Here is the link to the poem.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


In gymnastics  we are learning to do poses, backwards roll,  grapevine on  the beam ad front and back support.

Readtheory- July

At the start of the year I was grade 1. Now I am grade 4. My best result was grade 5.